Damage reduction

You think time costs money? Product damage costs more.

There is a line on everyone’s P&L that references the cost of product damage due to shipping, but it’s misleading. It typically doesn’t factor in soft costs associated with re-shipment. Costs such as new packaging material, labor to re-package the new product and the actual re-ship costs, as well as the cost to return the damaged product to your location.

Do you know what else ends up damaged? Your reputation and margins.

BoldSmith reduces product damage by preventing it from happening. We visit all stopping points in the package’s journey, assign measurement to the likelihood of potential hazards, and use this data to create a custom transit testing protocol for your specific supply chain. Our data recording devices provide a detailed look into both internal and external conditions to determine exactly how a package is handled. This testing protocol is used to design and verify performance of the recommended packaging solutions.

Be done with damage for good.

BoldtSmith's damage reduction services

Common shipping damage solutions

Shipping damage inevitably costs a business’ bottom line. These potential damages impact customer satisfaction and create a logistics nightmare for companies.

It’s crucial for any business to minimize damage to its products during transit. These strategies not only help prevent improper packaging from leading to costly returns and replacements but also enhance the overall customer experience. By investing in these solutions, businesses can protect their reputation and build customer loyalty in the long run.

Transit testing

Transit testing is a vital step in the development of packaging, new or old, and how it performs within the shipping process, allowing businesses to assess the risk of damage their products may face during transportation. At BoldtSmith Packaging Consultants, we take this a step further by designing custom solutions based on transit testing data. Our approach ensures that we address the specific type of damage products might encounter, reducing logistics costs and minimizing transit damage. Testing through a certified lab, you’ll also have additional leverage for insurance coverage or claims if damage does occur.

Package optimization

Package optimization is not just about using more packaging materials; it’s about using the right packaging strategy. Our team of experts focuses on everything from selecting the correct box size, proper packaging material, and even storage methods to ensure products are adequately protected without incurring unnecessary costs. Simply adding extra air pillows or implementing further protection in a shipping crate can increase expenses and still fail to prevent damage. By optimizing the packaging materials and protective packaging used, we can reduce damage claims and ensure that damaged items become a thing of the past.

Cardboard package that was damaged in shipping and has a crack and dents.

Less damage, fewer returns, reputation saved

Damage reduction case studies

Interested in seeing more BoldtSmith solutions? Explore all of our case studies.

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Damage reduction FAQs

Shipping damage can lead to significant costs for businesses whether its fragile items or heavy items. The cost of shipping damage includes not only the expense of replacing or refunding a broken item but also additional costs related to handling returns, logistics, and lost sales. This can have a wide range of impacts, from direct financial losses to indirect effects on customer satisfaction and the overall customer experience. When customers receive damaged goods, it can lead to dissatisfaction and harm the reputation of your business, ultimately affecting repeat business and customer loyalty.

While product packaging materials play a crucial role in protecting items during transit, shipping damage can also be influenced by various factors throughout the shipment process. An effective shipping strategy involves more than just selecting the right packaging materials; it also requires considering the entire distribution process. This includes using the right size boxes, and other protective materials. Additional issues such as shared container spaces, package handlers, and improper stowage can all contribute to damage as well. It’s essential to evaluate all aspects of your shipping strategy to ensure optimal protection for your products.

That’s where we come in. Finding out where, when and WHY the shipping damage is occurring, and to what extent, is the data that informs our solutions.

BoldtSmith will visit all stopping points throughout a package’s transit journey to observe how the product is handled and stored. We also use data recording devices to record the hazards that occur. These two data points give us the information to create a custom testing protocol that matches the hazards that occur in the supply chain. We design solutions with custom packaging materials targeting the shipping issues we identified within our testing protocols.

Standard tests may give some people confidence, but they are in no way a guarantee. Passing the tests without issues is only a step in the process of damage reduction. Let us be your boots on the ground to fully assess the supply chain so we can find where damage is happening that standard tests can’t pick up.

Transit testing provides data, both metric and observational.

Most of our customers are looking for efficiency and production. That is science, and science needs data. We test prior to redesign, and then after prototypes are created to calculate the balance of production cost, damage performance, transit cost reductions and user experience.

The data will give you confidence to move forward with what could be a million dollar savings.

We’ll show you how to ace Packaging 101.

Will your current packaging pass the transit test?