Meet BoldtSmith Packaging Consultants.

Shipping & packaging design solutions that work

We don’t manufacture materials, make boxes or sell crates. We are packaging consultants and engineers who design and optimize product packaging for sustainability and reduced shipping costs.

Whether it’s lightbulbs or turbine engines, juice drinks or windows, we go deep into possible solutions and “run the numbers” on the ROI of each. We engineer designs for sustainability, fix transit damage issues, and work with clients around the world as their go-to “in-house” packaging and shipping experts.

Our solutions

There are 50,000 foot solutions and 50 foot solutions. We do both.

The fastest way to uncover profit, demonstrate NET GREEN™ sustainability, and support product quality is with optimized packaging. 

BoldtSmith packaging consultants and engineers are experienced across multiple sectors and are impartial to materials and vendors, giving us the broadest solution set in the packaging and shipping industry. We’re driven by data and respectful of user experience. 

Every day, our customers trust us with their brands and their business, and we don’t take that lightly. In the process, we set the industry standards for comprehensive, contemporary packaging optimization and cost effective shipping.

Are you leaving money on the table?

There are many components to an ROI calculation: Transportation costs, materials costs, damaged product costs, assembly costs, and manufacturing slow down costs when you don’t have what you need when you need it.

What if changing the way you ship could add millions of dollars to your overall profit calculation? Our packaging consultants delivered this level of cost reduction. By optimizing packaging for efficient transportation and by reducing damaged product shipments. It’s not necessarily by just making packaging materials cheaper; in fact, it may mean better materials and improved presentation.

It is likely that you have untapped profit that can be recovered simply by changing the way you pack and transport products. Need immediate savings? Our packaging engineers have got your back.

Transit testing for the win

Packaging rarely goes from manufacturer to end user. It makes several stops along the way in boats, trucks and trains. It gets dropped and thrown throughout the shipping process.

Our packaging consultants assess products for vulnerabilities at the source of packaging. We follow the product’s path through every stop in the transit supply chain. If products have a chance to be dropped or thrown, we drop and throw them, over and over. We’re familiar with how all carriers manage packages and take into account their weaknesses in order to identify the right and durable packaging for a product’s needs.

Making sure a product arrives safely – large, fragile, liquid, cold or a 100 disassembled parts– requires the closest look possible at what it’s up against every step of the way.

Data-driven ROI & real sustainability

Return on investment, which is net savings and increased profit over time, is everyone’s goal. There is a lot of talk of sustainability and reduction in carbon goals as well. Those two goals are not mutually exclusive. NET GREEN™ is how we evaluate changes in package engineering and packaging design for the purpose of shipping. It is data driven and quantifiable, and we’ll work with you on the formulas for proof. That’s how to find real sustainability, not just words that say your company is environmentally friendly. We know that simply looking at recycled materials is NOT NET GREEN, in fact, it may add to negative environmental impact.

The good news is that focusing on ROI and saving money by reducing shipping costs and damage is, in fact, the most sustainable thing you can do regardless of where your company is in the supply chain. We provide you with the data to prove it.

Our clients

Expertise in action

Every shipping and packaging challenge is different. What you’ll see in our case studies reflects our problem-solving capabilities. Because we work in multiple sectors, such as CPG, medical products, OEM, military and e-commerce, our packaging consultants are able to apply insights differently than in-house teams may do. Efficiency is our guiding light, NET GREEN sustainability is the outcome, and undiscovered profit is the benefit we deliver to our clients.

Design to ship.
Ship to save.

We know it’s an old adage, but it drives our mission and truly is the yin/yang of our business: “Design to ship. Ship to save.” Packaging that is not optimized for shipping is a waste of money and the largest contributor to unsustainability.

You’ll also see our packaging consultants obsessing with detail in order to impact the big picture: profit in reducing materials, profit in reducing shipping and package transit costs, profit in minimizing product damage. Which means increased profits because our work delivers on NET GREEN sustainability.

Saving money and sustainability live in everything we do for our clients.


Our most commonly asked questions, optimized for your convenience

As packaging engineers, it’s our job to dive into the details. As your packaging consultant, we will look at a number of variables and key opportunities to help you ship more efficiently, such as:

  • Are your packaging/crating designs optimized to use the least materials possible?
  • Are they protecting your products from the full supply chain to the customer?
  • Are you minimizing space in ocean containers and trucks?
  • Are you losing sales from your customers’ unboxing experience?
  • Is your packaging process as efficient as it can be?
  • Is your packaging materials inventory taking up too much space?

We kick-off every project with a stakeholder meeting to ensure we are 100% aligned with your goals and objectives before we begin. We tap the expertise of our packaging engineers to explore multiple design iterations for consideration. Our progress, such as sampling and testing, are shared weekly throughout the project. Specifications for each material are baselined so every BoldtSmith client owns the data, which helps create leverage for sourcing using a single specification.

We get this question a lot, and we recognize that having someone on staff seems like a value, and somehow necessary for small projects. We’re data-driven folks in all we do, so we offer this formula: Let’s assume that you have a salaried packaging engineer on staff with 3 weeks of vacation and 2 weeks of PTO. And during their typical week 25% of their hours are spent in staff/supplier/customer meetings, 25% of their time is reactive issue-fixing, and 25% of their time is spent on “team” projects. The following formula can be used to get your proactive Packaging Engineering cost per hour: {(Annual Salary) x 1.5 (for benefits)} / 470 Hours. When we’re not working for you, you’re not paying us. Or, to put it another way, BoldtSmith’s package says “Concentrated, with no inert ingredients.”

We work fast and have been known to start projects within days of your call. Our resources are free of the corporate distractions of running a business, allowing our engineers to focus 100% of their energy on solving your problem. Concepts are typically shared within 2 weeks of starting the project, and sampling follows immediately after selected concepts are finalized.

There is nothing quite as effective as real people with boots on the ground at your facilities to examine and identify the largest ROI opportunities. More often than not, we identify cost savings that you may have not known existed. We take a data-driven approach to looking at your spend, designs, labor efficiencies, and calculate the true cost of damage related to shipping your products. We look at areas that no one else does. We typically spend an 8-hour day in each facility conducting our audit. Our output is a formal presentation of our findings (good and bad), along with recommended actions in the form of proposals.

As independent consultants we are conscious of your time and that you are working with us because you don’t have the time or appropriate resources. The gathering of data related to spend, damage claims, and your supply chain is helpful for us to provide the best financial summary but is not required. During a project we ask for up to an hour per week to provide a summary of our activities, next steps, and continued timeline review.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Call us +1 262-203-9522 or get in touch.


We’ve helped single companies save millions of dollars. 
Here’s what our clients have to say.

Interested in seeing some of our work? Check out our case studies.

Find out what a BoldtSmith packaging consultant can do for you.